The Full Mat Work Teacher Training Programme is designed to take you through the full classical mat work exercises, THE ORIGINAL 34 exercises that Joseph Pilates created. Through a series of three modules over two weekends you will learn to teach it with an organised flow and rhythm designed to give a full body workout. Begin here with The Introduction to Mat Work Training.
Content: 3 days in person, 1 practical test outs, 30 hours remote self practice & teaching.
£790.00 incl. VAT
30% Deposit Applicable (non refundable)
Pre Arranged Assessment Date Friday 24th May 2024 4 to 6pm * if you cannot make this date it is possible to reschedule for a fee of £150
The Pi Mat Work teacher training is open to everyone. It is ideal for those that have a background in PT and want to develop their skills, and for anyone that has a passion for pilates and has never taught before. If you are looking to develop your skills and enhance your lifestyle, then you are ready to join the Pi Mat Work Teacher Training. The first weekend is the entry point to a career in Pilates. begin here and follow your passion putting Pilates into your body for life.